CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Thursday, January 31, 2019



Hi foodies, I been off the last few days so it's time to play catch up as my goal is to have at least a post a day. Since this is the last day of January 2019, the 31st day, I need a few posts today. I'll be reviewing some healthy cooking videos, and other interesting food videos on You Tube for you. In this video, the chef puts together a smashed cucumber salad. According to this chef, by smashing the cucumber which is huge, it releases the juices (water). She then slices the cucumber into bite size pieces. Her dressing recipe is rather simplistic, she applies light soy sauce, garlic water, rice vinegar and then tosses the cucumber pieces in it. She follows with a garnish of chopped cilantro.

Enjoy the video.

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