CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Monday, February 25, 2019

GRAPHIC: GIANT LIVE Maine Lobster HUGE Sushi Roll | Guga Foods Collab!

Hiroyuki Terada is one of my favorite You Tube chefs. He specializes in sushi making. Afterall he is a master sushi chef from Japan. In this video he breaks apart a huge ass live Maine lobster. He steams the huge claws, body and tail and proceeds to make a huge ass lobster sushi roll. His Deba looked small compared to the huge 10 + pound lobster. 

Now here's a few tips on steaming times for a whole lobster.

3/4-1 pound in boiling water for about 8 minutes

1- 1 1/4 pound about 10 minutes

1 1/2 - 2 pounds 11 minutes.

Obviously this lobster that Hiroyuki is steaming was too huge for any pot he had in his studio. So he broke down each piece and using a digital scale weighed each piece he steamed. He actually went 9 minutes per pound. Adding 2 minutes per additional pound. This is key. Enjoy the video, I did.

Chef Hiroyuki Terada
Giant Maine Lobster HUGE Sushi Roll!


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