CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Man v. Food: Ultimate Cheesesteak Challenge

One of me favorite food shows was Man vs. Food with Adam Richmond. It was entertaining to see a man pig out on all kinds of comfort foods. Yeah I know you're saying things like, "Ron I thought you were devoting your blog to healthy cooking and eating?" True, but we all need some ridiculous entertainment once in a while eh? 

Adam visits this Philly cheesesteak joint, and devours 5 pounds of sandwich within 28 minutes! Did you hear me? 5 pounds! OK this isn't healthy, however, maybe watching this will keep you on course to eat and stay healthy. Hope you get a kick off of this video. I always did like watching Adam do his thing with eating. Nope you won't catch this old dude eating like a hog, but this is funny. 

Man vs. Food


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