CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Thursday, February 14, 2019

President Bill Clinton at McDonald's - SNL

One thing that television shows always instilled was food. Every show on t.v. had something to do with food. Cop shows, two detectives eating a donut in their unmarked car. Alice from the Brady Bunch cooking for the kids in her blue uniform. Cheers, patrons drinking beer and eating bar food. So one of my favorite weekend shows Saturday Night Live did a spoof on President Clinton back in 1992, I had to post this. It was classic comedy. The late Phil Hartman portrayed the president to a T. Perfect. The writers did a great job using Mc Donald's as the foundation to this sketch. In the sketch, Hartman as Clinton goes for a jog with two secret service agents. One of the agents tells Clinton "We only jogged three blocks." That's when the fun begins because it was said in a Mc Donalds that was busy with lots of people who knew who he was. Chris Farley who also died portrayed a hardware store owner, as he sat in a booth with his son. Clinton visits, and eats Farley's son's pickles that were left out of the kid's sandwich because the kid dislikes pickles. Watch this comedy sketch as laughter is also a part of living a healthy life. And since this is a food blog, well- Mc Donald's comes into the picture, in a humorous way.
Saturday Night Live 1992
Phil Hartman as Bill Clinton in a Mc Donalds.


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