CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Thursday, February 21, 2019


Diabetes has gotten hold of many of my good friends and associates. It's a topic of converstation many times at the table when sharing meals. Someone will shy away from eating that cream puff fearing a spike in their sugar level. Others will ask if the restaurant they are eating at will serve something other than white sticky rice or garlic bread. Possibly quinoa or an all-grain bread, or steamed vegetables. Having diabetes can be difficult. 

I'm not an expert, so before you use this method of sweetening your coffee, or tea, consult with your certified nutritionist or physician. But what I'm about to say is some of my friends with diabetes have been using natural sweeteners and still do good with their blood checks. Instead of artificial sweeteners that can cause other illnesses, one friend has been using raw sugar, and many times apple juice. 

What takes oragnic apples and puts it in a food processor and mashes it up with the juices coming out. All natural sweet. Of course you don't want to over dose on apples or brown sugar, just watch your intake. So for an 8 oz. cup of hot coffee, he adds in a little low fat cream, and like a couple tablespoons of mashed up apples and its juices. It doesn't spike his numbers much. 

So check with your doctor or nutritionist, and see if that could be a sweetener alternative for your morning coffee or tea. When you think about it, it's not processed, it's whole food. But always double check with your heatlh professionals. Remember that everyone's body is different.

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