CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Someone asked me what kind of foods should they eat if they don't want to feel tired and bogged down. Well- I'm not an athlete that trains, you know like those MMA fighters, but if you read most health books, the foods you should eat really depends on what you do for a living.

For instance, if you are a construction worker, no doubt you'll be exerting a lot, so you will need lots of calories to burn during the course of your workday, contrasting to someone who will sit at a desk and look over job apps.

Here's what I'd recommend for the contruction worker type, start the morning with lots of good protein, and some carbs, and all natural juices preferrably from a juicer, apples, oranges, pineapples are my favorite and all three has lots of vitamin C. Eat a fresh fruit too, maybe a couple of  eggs, you'll need the fuel to burn.

What a desk job person should do, is get up early and go for a walk, walking does make your body circulate, creating good oxygenated blood throughout your body, sweating never hurts, besides you probably have a shower right? Well, you should eat some fruit, not heavy foods like eggs and sausage with cheese, that will bogg you down, eating lots of fruit and maybe a couple of pieces of toasted all grain bread, fresh juice, and you should be good to go.

The best ways to get vitamins into your system is by eating fruits, it is better to eat an apple than to take pills for your daily dose of vitamins. And the fibers from fruits will help your digestive system. Also lots of water to flush out all the impurities.

Fruits won't bogg you down, even if you over eat it, well... for most people anyhow, check with your doctor first before you change any diets radically speaking, especially if you are on serious meds.

Ron Sambrano

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