CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Personally I don't watch chef shows that much, I find it rather boring, I'd rather watch the History Channel, or the Discovery Channel, or ESPN or FOX Sports, or for that matter the Cartoon Network, food shows really bore me, unless there's a fun show that entertains me.

The reason why I don't like chef shows is because I feel most of those chefs are just a product of the corporate networks. They have writers and most of their cookbooks are written by someone else and their face is just on the cover. But to each their own, I choose not to watch food shows.

Despite not watching food shows, I do like to read food publications for news on nutrition etc. but not much for recipes. If I really need an idea for a recipe, I just go online, to Youtube and watch a person do a meal in real time, or just Google a recipe.

Ron Sambrano

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