CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Friday, December 24, 2010


Let us recap about Diabetes shall we? What is Diabetes? Well there are two types, and both are dealing with insulin, in Type 1 your body doesn't produce enough of it, the insulin takes sugar and distributes it in your body for energy, so you can burn it off, or carbohydrates that turns into sugars. Or Type 2 Diabetes which, is something like the insulin showed up for work but is being lazy and not working. So Diabetes is a serious illness all over the world, nation, and especially here in Hawaii.

Excersise is important, drinking water, and no sodas or imitation juices are important. I did listened to an elderly woman the other day, she was in her 70s, and she told me how she is maintaining her health not with meds, but with healthy foods, whole foods. She drinks real juice, from fruits and her brand new juicer. Lots of water too, and she doesn't eat white rice, white pasta, white breads. She minimized her saturated fat intake considerably.

"I eat lots of greens, either raw, or I saute them with olive oil, and ginger, a little sea salt, a little watered down soy sauce, and throw tofu inside, I love mushrooms and beans too. I lost nearly 40 pounds in a year, I feel great."

Okay Aunty I got to respect her, this aunty does look great, her smile, her eyes are clear, she said at one time, she had lots of dairy, and since cutting dairy out, she can breath a lot better.

"I eat a hamburger maybe once a week, I eat fried chicken maybe twice a month, I buy organic soups without salt."

Okay for those of you wanting to eat for the Holidays but eat good stuff you love, you can. Here is a tip I got from a nutritionist associate in Wailuku.

Breakfast: Egg whites, lemon squeeze, pepper; whole grain toast with soy butter, orange or apples or any fruit. Also cereals that are low in sugars, get these in health food stores or markets like Whole Foods.

Lunch: half a sandwich, mustard, low fat mayonnaise, steamed veggies with vinegar and herbs. Low sodium soups.

Dinner: Meats limit to lean cuts, and 4-6 oz. Lots of greens such as lettuce, cabbage, spinach, kale with a healthy low sodium, low sugar dressing. Eat steamed potatoes limit to 3-4 oz. drink all natural juices and water, teas, coffee if you like but not the sweet ones. Sweetners like Stevia, Honey, Agave Nectar is pretty safe.

Just remember during the holidays if you want to pig out, eat that roast, but limit your intake to a few ounces and just eat more whole foods, more fruits and vegetables. This is just a reminder.

You cannot go wrong by eating lots of greens such as asparagus, broccoli, or spinach it all contains energy in your body, and is a good source for vitamins, iron, and magnesium. So don't buy those stupid bottles of vites!

And fruits, papayas has a lot of vitamins like C, more than oranges. Any fresh fruit is good, yes it has sugar, but it is better than refined sugars those sodas and Snicker bar kinds that raise the glycemic levels but has no, zero nutritional values.

Before you change your diet, see your doctor first, read up on your medicines, the side effects could be very costly. Cook and eat right, and live longer here on earth.

Ron S.

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