CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Thursday, December 23, 2010


You know how to make your grandma's pasta dish, you've done it dozens of times before, and you could do it in your sleep. Or your dad's barbequed pork ribs, you've done it since you were 16 when he showed you the ropes. Well... one day you invite some friends over for grandma's pasta, or the boys from the shop for the barbequed pork ribs you've gotten down to a T. But wait a second... nothing is coming out right!

That's right, we've all experienced that one time when shit! Nothing goes right, the pasta is all mushy before it's time, and you're going, "What da hell?" Or the pork ribs that was in the barbeque for a few hours isn't just soft, but it really is *&%$#ed up!

I've had this experience in the pro kitchen many times, like when I had to make huge batches of Hollandaise sauce, but it all turned out crappy... why? Well, sometimes it really isn't us the cooks or chefs, it's the ingredient's quality. Despite all expiration dates being kosher, and inspected, well sometimes guys and gals, the quality is.... shitty... sorry. But that's just the way it is. Like one time I was making kalbi sauce at a local dig, and guess what, the soy sauce wasn't even salty, it was just like brownish water. I could imagine the customers, "Hey Ron is back there huh? No wonder, he's a terrible cook, just fire his ass!" Peeps, I'm telling you, if you can do your family dish blind folded, then if it gets screwed maybe it's the stuff you've purchased to cook it.

I know I can't do a stir fry on my friends stove because it just doesn't get hot enough for some reason, his stove is like a slow cooker. Remember cooking on an unfamiliar stove or oven, or even a grill outdoors can cause you the know it all weekend warrior chef to look stupid. So 1. it can be the ingredients, and 2. it could be the cooking element being utilized. So don't feel like you aren't a good cook, check out the ingredients and ask the store manager where you bought it if there were any problems with the same items you've bought with other customers? If there wasn't any probz, then I guess........ you may, just maybe losing it... :) ha ha.

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