CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Thursday, January 20, 2011


This is an article that needs to be written, and despite myself, cooking a lot of food that may seem unhealthy to people with high blood pressure, you need to, if you do have hypertension, to minimize your sodium intake, that's number one, and number two, lower your saturated fat intake, and number three excersise.

The reason why I don't like taking high blood pressure medicines is because it makes me feel sick, and I know that it does make most of you sick as well. And being honest, I do eat bad sometimes, I'll pour salt over French fries, and slather real mayonnaise over my burgers, I do eat well most of the time, and my pressure does fluctuate because of my not so perfect eating habbits.

But this article will not touch on a recipe, for most of us already know what we should cut out, and that is sodium chloride (salt) from our diets plain and simple. But here are some proven and stated side effects from these medicines prescribed to patients with hypertension, the names and generic names of these meds are also printed here but I want the readers to know the seriousness of its side effects.

Diuretics- or "water pills" help a patient expell water through urination. Water pills helps the kidneys to excrete sodium chloride. Diuretics are the oldest medication to treat high blood pressure. The most common side effects is frequent urination.

Diuretics on the market:
Hydrochlorothiazide (Hydro Diuril)
Furosemide (Lasix)
Indapemide (Lozol)
Metolazone (Zoroxolyn)
Spirnolactone (Aldactone)
Torsemide (Demadex)
Triamterene (Direnium)

There are combination medicines being developed, such as a diuretic with other antihypertensive agents, usually these types of meds have side effects that not only causes one to urinate excessively, but also removes potassium from the body, when this happens, patients are instructed to eat foods with high potassium, such as bananas, and other foods, vegetables and fruits.

Side effects for Lasix (Furosemide)

M2 is Furosemide (Lasix) it is round and white

* dry mouth, thirst, nausea, vomiting
* feeling dowsy, light headed
* fast or uneven heartbeat
* muscle pain, maybe weakness
* urinating less than usual or not at all
* easy bruising, bleeding and weakness
* a red blistering, peeling skin rash
* hearing loss
* stomach pain, low fever, loss of appetite, dark urine, clay-colored stools, jaundice (yellowing of skin or eyes)

Less serious side effects:

* diarrhea
* headache
* numbness, burning pain, or tingly feeling
* dizziness or blurred vision.

I don't care, these possible side effects are wicked, and to control your hypertension, control what you eat. So if I eat bad, I'll have to take these pups to lower my pressure, and I don't want to take these things. One time I took a physical to get my PUC drivers license, the doctor failed me because my pressure was higher than the standard good level which is 120/70, mine was like 200/100 or something ridiculous like that. The doctor gave me some lasix to lower my pressure over a one day period, I went back the next day and got my PUC license. But watching your pressure is important, anytime that first number cracks 120 like 130 you're in trouble, and if that second number goes past 70, watch out man, you're headed for the grave!

So let's all watch what we eat, lower the salt, do good, do good and try to be around a little longer. Coronary diseases are what hyperentsion can cause, so do good with the foods we eat.

1 comment:

  1. I'm struggling to stay on Hydro Diuril, but i can't get my pressure under control. I don't know which is worse, being afraid of my out of control bp. Or taking the meds and feeling like i'm going to die from the side effects. This is all becoming too much for me to handle.
