CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Thursday, January 20, 2011


Sweet roasted chicken, nice and crispy on the outside, juicy and tender on the inside, what better way to roast a whole chicken, than to use natural sweeteners that will give it a nice glaze look. Here is a recipe for a Sweet Roasted Chicken, and the ingredients are easy to get, you probably have it in your cupboards already.

There are many recipes, and I'm still delving in different ideas from cookbooks, and chef friends and other foodies, but this recipe I ripped off from a t.v. food chef a while ago, but of course I did tweak it a lot, but the ingredients for sure I ripped off, we all rip off recipes and make them our own somehow, so here we go.

First preheat your oven to 375 deg. F.
Get out a roasting pan that is at least 2 inches deep, and large enough to put the whole chicken inside.

1 whole roasting chicken 3-4 pounds should serve 4-6 people.

1 cup of brown sugar
3/4 cup of soy sauce
1 cup of water
1/4 cup of honey
1 tsp. ground ginger

In a saucepan, heat up the mixture until syrupy, and set aside.

Make sure the chicken is cleaned out, all of the innards removed and patted dry, and sitting at room temperature for at least 30 to 40 minutes to insure a nice roasted skin, you see, if it's right out of the chiller, it won't roast well because of the cold in the meat and skin. Any time you cook with meats of any kind, it's a good idea to make it come to room temperature.

Now get a basting brush and brush this syrup concotion all over the chicken, spread it evenly all over.

1 stick of butter unsalted, melted in a sauce pan.

Brush the melted butter all over the chicken, this will help it develop a nice crust, a crispy crust.

Place the chicken inside the oven, un-covered, and let it cook for about 1 1/2 hours, it takes poultry about 25-30 minutes to roast per pound. And remember that when taking out the chicken from the oven, it wil continue to cook for a few minutes and the temperature can rise even out of the oven.
To be sure, check it every 30 minutes to see how it is coming along. Use an instant read thermometer and stick it into the deepest part of the chicken to see the temperature, if it reads 165, it should be good to go, stick the thermometer into the thigh area, it is the thickest part.

Remember that a chicken doesn't need to look totally dried to be cooked, as long as the heat penetrates, and you can see the juices oozing out, it really is an indicator that yes, the roasted bird is done.

Here is some other ingredients you can add to the roasting pan, quarter onions, yams, any root veggie, tomatoes, beans, and season them with salt and pepper with some olive oil, place them around the chicken, when the chicken roasts, the juices will make contact with the veggies also, so there you have it a simple Sweet Roasted Chicken.

Serve it with mashed poatoes or rice.

Photo from

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