CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Hosting a Local Style Dinner-MAUI

What do you cook for your first dinner as a brand new resident of Maui. You've visited Maui lots of times, you are a foodie, and great cook, you know it, your husband knows it, your girlfriends know it, but there's one thing, you are making friends who are local, and some of the families you've befriended are natives of the aina, or land. What do you cook to fit in? First of all, cook the foods you're good at, more than likely, what you've cooked back where you came from will sit good on the table when you're serving it, and locals appreciate cooks or foodies that do what they do good. My sister-in-law Patsy is an awesome cook, she sticks to what she does great and what she learned from others, she's not afraid to give it a go, and let people try it, she has this sink or swim attitude.

Okay, but still you want to do some local grines, just to impress or show respect for the culture. What can you make? How about checking out some local cookbooks, there's many out here on Maui, if you can swing by Borders in Kahului at the Maui Marketplace or Barnes & Noble in Lahaina, there are a lot of great local Hawaii cookbooks.

Little Hawaiian Party Food Cookbook
by Muriel Miura

What Hawaii Likes to Eat
by Muriel Miura and Betty Shimabukuro

What Maui Likes to Eat
by Chef Tylun Pang

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