CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Maui- Cookouts @ Da Beach

The awesome thing about living on Maui is you can cookout anytime of the year, even if it's cloudy, taking your charcoal grill to the beach to grill the chicken, ribs, fish is the ultimate. So if mainlanders use mesquite wood for grilling, what do we Mauians use? We use Kiawe wood, it is pronounced (kee-ah-veh).

The wood is hard, the branches is thorny, it grows in the hills and by the ocean, it is the ultimate wood for burning, it turns into an awesome charcoal. Long lasting for sure.

Picture below is cut kiawe wood ready to be burned into charcoal

A Kiawe tree in Wailea at sunset

If you ever come to Maui, and you see a bunch of local men manning huge ass grills, grilling chicken parts, or quarters, and you see a sign that read: Huli Huli Chicken On Sale, Benefit Aloha Canoe Club. You have to stop by and get you some Huli Huli (hoo lee hoo lee) chicken, basically grilled chicken quarters, seasoned with Hawaiian sea salt, pepper, and soy sauce, some clubs have that special sauce, but it's a basic marinade which makes it da best! Try it out, the ones you buy in supermarkets suck, because it sits and it wasn't made with kiawe wood most likely.

So- Huli Huli Chicken is da thing to get if you're on Maui, you see a benefit grilling going on on the side of the road, stop by and make some new friends, and you'll have to buy your own rice more than likely, but what the hell, it's great stuff.

Photo: Huli Huli Chicken

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