CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Friday, February 18, 2011

Maui- Interview w/ Justin a Vegetarian

I'm interviewing Justin a vegetarian and he talks about the lack of vegetarian digs here.

1. Are you a full on vegetarian?
A. One hundred percent

2. So what makes you say Maui sucks with the vegetarian digs?
A. There's some places here that's good, but I'm not dissing the island, but where I'm from in Washington there's a better selection of digs.

3. I understand so if someone was to open up a vegetarian place what should be considered?
A. Flavors, I mean I used to eat meats, so I want someone to open up a place where we can get hearty vegetarian foods, tofu stews, hot good rich meals that's not taxing on our bodies and organs you know?

4. I kinda agree man, I used to chef it out for Down to Earth, and I love vegetarian and vegan but I like flavors too there's a lot of places that seem bland.
A. Exactly, I mean a nice vegetarian dig should have all the stuff we love only use veggies. Pizzas, tacos, pastas, I mean, I love food in that sense, I like Mana Foods, and Down to Earth, but man, this island could use more.

5. What else?
A. A good vegetarian place must sell more natural and organic stuff for sure. No GMOs.

6. Okay do you eat cheeses and eggs and dairy?
A. Yes I do, I do love eggs on occasion, and milk once in a while, and I love Mascarpone spread on crackers. I don't eat fish, I don't eat chicken, and zero beef or pork.

7. How long have you been a vegetarian?
A. For about 23 years.

8. You are devoted actually?
A. Yes, you can lose a lot of weight too, and I'm the kind of guy that can pack on the pounds, I run a lot, I used to do half marathons.

9. I have a hard time getting out of bed let alone run half marathons.
A. I believe you just can't eat right, you gotta exercise too.

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