CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Maui- Jaime Navarro Foodie Quinoa Stir Fry

My friend and boss at the office Jaime Navarro is the ultimate foodie, what's she gonna make next? One time she made us steak and onions, one time she made us chicken stir fry, and then there was Xmas, when she made cookies, like 4 different kinds, Jaime is a food enthusiast supreme. So what was the dish she brought on Friday night February 18, 2011?

She made a stir fry with quinoa, it is a very delicate grain that cooks fast, vegans and vegetarians use this instead of rice on many occasions, and I used to cook this at a local health food store. It is so versatile it can be stuffed in a pita bread, or used in salads, and you can add any other ingredient you wish, just as Jaime did on this night.

She used green beans, carrots, no-nitrate Canadian bacon, toasted sesame, soy sauce.

Here are some pics of Jaime proudly holding her bowl of her creation, "Great Job Mrs. Navarro, you kick major f     ass!"

Photo by The Best Blogger in the whole universe me!
Jaime holding her bowl of quinoa.

Oh to die for, what a bowl of organic, orgasmic, foodie foods, look at that, fluffy, yet succulent, oh to be in heaven with 2 hot chicks with big..............oops, I forgot, I am talking about food... Uncle's sorry folks. He he. But this is the ultimate.

Serving size 185 g
Calories 222 Calories from fat 32
Total Fat 4g  5%
Saturated fats 0%
Trans fats 0%
Cholesterol 0%
Sodium 13 mg 1%
Total Carbohydrates 39g  13%
Dietary fiber 5g  21%
Protein 8g
Iron 15%

How to cook quinoa

Using a 2 qt. pot, add in 1 cup of quinoa, and fill the pot with water, and soak it for 15 minutes, this will loosen up the outer skin which can cause for a bitter after taste.

Strain quinoa in a strainer, removing the skins. Return to pot, add in 1 1/2 cups of water and 1 tsp. of sea salt. Bring to a boil, then cover with a lid, lower heat to simmering. Simmer quinoa for about 15 minutes. Off heat, remove lid, let cool, and use a fork to fluff it up.

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