CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Monday, March 14, 2011

Maui- Holy Mackerel

It is Akule Season! Akule (ah koo leh) the Big Eyed Scad, our mackerel, your mackerel. I've done several articles on Akule, and I guess since fishermen are selling it by the tons via their trucks on the road side, it's time for another Akule writ.

What is Akule? It is a very slender, yet powerful fish, swims in large schools, and hunted by nets that drags behind boats. Akule is the prime eat during early Spring through the Summer months, and if you freeze it, there'll be Akule whenever you feel like eating it.
These fish are close to a pound, cleaning them is easy, very smooth skin, just run a knife and gut and clean. Season them with some salt and pepper, dip them in a flour dredging, and deep fry them to a crisp. The meat is nice and quite soft but firm, very tasty, most locals will serve a person 2-3 fish per serving.

Generally locals on Maui will utilize soy sauce, vinegar, lemons, garlic, ginger, scallions as a base for a dipping sauce. If ever a chance on the island, find some fishermen on the side selling Akule be sure to purchase some, can't get any fresher than that. Go and take it back to your condo and cook them up. The aroma will be very fishy, but that's what you're cooking anyhow. In the markets you'll find them displayed over shaved ice, or ice cubes, check the clarity of their eyes, if it's murky that's some old Akule going on. If it's nice and clear, buy those. All the good nutrients, all the good oils are in this fish. Some locals chill the fish after cleaning it,, and then use it as sashimi, or sushi. It is a very very popular fish, I don't think there's a fish that can come close to Akule for a delicious meal. Fried to a crisp is the best.

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