CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Monday, March 14, 2011

Maui- What is Kulolo?

Kulolo (Koo- loh- loh)= Say what's that you all eatin in Hawai er? I say what's that Kulolo? Okay Mr. Bongy Wonger, Kulolo is a Hawaiian dessert, okay I'll sez its agayn, it is a Hawaiian dessert. You can buy it in some local markets in Hawaii, or at luaus. So can I Ron Sambrano, foodie, chef, blogger describe this dessert? Of course I can you knuckle heads!

Shut up and pay a freeeking attention! Consider Kulolo somewhat like a... how can I put it... fudge? Okay, fudge. It is made traditionally with mashed taro, coconut shavings and or coconut milk, mixed up and wrapped in ti leaves, and then baked in an underground oven called an imu (ee moo) for about 8 hours. Modern baking calls for this mixture to be put in a baking dish like a Martha Stewart collection kind of crap, and baked covered with foil for about 90 to 120 minutes. It is usually kind of caramel tasting, with textures of tapioca and kind of on the chewy gooey side. It is usually sliced into squares, though one time I tried to make it a really F'd it up. :(

Here's a standard recipe for Kulolo

From Ann Kondo Corum, Bess Press, 1983 "Ethnic Foods of Hawaii"

4 cups grated taro
3/4 cups brown sugar
3/4 cups honey
1 cup coconut milk
2 ti leaves

Mix all ingredients together. Line a bread loaf with foil, then top with ti leaves, cut to fit in pan. Pour pudding into pan and cover with foil. Bake 2 hours at 400 deg. f. Remove foil in the last hour to brown the top. Serves 12

190 calories, 4 grams of total fat, 4 grams of sat. fat, 0 mg. cholestrol, 10 mg. sodium
Picture from
As I was sayin, local markets may have some Kulolo available. Now if you're into organic I'm not sure if you can get that. But if that doesn't mean much to you, this sweet tasty treat will make you really appreciate the Hawaiian culinary experience. Italians have their Tiramisu
we got our Kulolo.

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