CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Maui- Honolua Store's Kalua Pork & Cabbage

Okay this may seem redundant, but for you visitors, you want to know what we locals eat, and this is what we eat. KALUA PORK AND CABBAGE! This picture below is called a Hobo Lunch, wich is smaller than a regular plate lunch. A regular plate lunch consists of an entree or more (combo), 2 scoops of white sticky rice, in this case Honolua Store in Kapalua offers a healthier brown rice as a sub, but is it GMO brown rice? ha ha, who the hell knows just eat the damn thing and be on your merry way!

So this Hobo Kalua Pork and Cabbage, I got nailed a humongous 5.75 for it, one scoop of white sticky rice and about 9 oz. of pork/cabbage.

Who orders this shit? Well guys like me. Or guys not like me. Professional types, Socialites, Hookers, Pimps, they all eat this shit. And believe me, this is the shits (good)!

Photo: Ron Sambrano 2011

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