CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Maui- Leftover Plate Lunches and Da Microwave

Okay, you had a hard day, you are hungry, but you don't have any food... well fresh from the deli food but you do have about 6 semi eaten plate lunches from yesterday from Bradda Kimo's down the road. It's still good, there's no food poisoning going on because you told your family members, to only eat what they'll eat, and leave the rest in the box.

What do you do with the safe to eat leftovers? Arrange them on a microwave plate and heat them up.

Rules for heating up plate lunches:

1. Take out all of the rice, and place it in a microwave bowl, place a wet paper towel over it, and nuke it for a few minutes, I bet you a million smackarooskies, your rice will be like fresh out of the rice cooker.

2. Remove the macaroni salad if present, and keep it cold in the fridge until ready to eat, maybe adding some fresh scoops of mayonnaise will help, and some salt and pepper, and maybe some minced celery and onions.

3. Remove all of the proteins, chicken, beef, pork, fish, tofu etc. Keep all chicken together, keep all beef together, all pork together, and fish together, separate from the others. You don't want any cross contamination folks, don't want you to get sick.

4. Nuke all the proteins one by one until it's all hot, and then share it.

Don't waste food!

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