CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Monday, April 18, 2011

Places Where It'll be Cool To Be A Chef

Where would be the utlimate chef's job? How about being a chef at......

A brothel in Vegas? Cook healthy foods for the professional women, so they have more energy for their customers, that would be an interesting gig. Imagine you're the chef, and the girls stop by the kitchen.

"Hey Chef, what's for dinner tonight?"

"Ah, low fat pasta, and gluten free garlic bread."

"Great Chef."

"Hey how about a freebee there Jezel... is that your stage name or real name?"

"Stage name... and ah... no...."

"Okay, just had to ask, dinner will be ready at 7pm, if you're busy in your room, when you're done, just come in here, make a plate and heat it up okay?"

"Oh Chef, you're so sweet."

"Yeah, I know... ah, so no chance of a freebee?"

Or how about being a personal chef for like one of those ultimate fighters?

"Hey Killer, what you want for dinner tonight?"

"Ah something with lots of carbs, I'm training hard tomorrow morning."


"And cook it good, or eles I'll kill you!"

Or a chef for a professional skateboarder.

"Hey Tony, what you want for dinner man?"

He doesn't answer but he loses control of his board, and it rockets towards your head, you move too slow and the board kills you.

Just a thought.

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