CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Friday, April 15, 2011


Bad eating/cooking habbits can ruin things for you. Eat poorly, and more than likely you'll have a horrible day. For instance, someone I know can't eat dairy or else he'll just be sick in the stomach the whole day. Well what does he do the night before? He cooks a Mahi Mahi dish with a creamy wine sauce. He went to bed, but got up the next morning and really had the shits! I mean he was running in and out of the office to use the bathroom, hence he did not look to professional with some important clients. So? So eat right, cook right and you won't be feeling like shit, and have the shits.

Our bodies weren't made to take in lots of rich foods, or foods that contain additives, God made our bodies to be a temple, so why is it (me) included treat it badly? Well bad habbits can stick with us until we die. Is eating a greasy burger good? No, it's really not, but we do crave that sometimes, and for me, if I do eat a greasy burger, man that's the sinful pleasures of food, but it makes me sick in the next four hours or so because like the guy I described in the last paragraph, I'll be the one going in and out of the bathroom.

So how should we eat? Eat right by eating more natural, organic fruits and veggies. Replace high cholestrol meats with tofu that's organic. Instead of eating white rice or white bread that's all processed, eat more whole grains that's not processed.

Try these grains, seeds , or rice if you are wanting to be healthier.

quinoa (Keen-Wah)

short grain brown rice

polenta (made from corn)

sorghum (like corn) can be used as popcorn

millet (similar to wheat in protein & gluten free)

Go to the bulk section of your local heatlh food market and see what they have, and ask the clerk there for more information, usually the delis at these places have very knowledgeable people working there, they are people generally into good eating habbits.

You can visit these websites.

Be healthy today... at least try.

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