CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

LAHAINA MAUI- Teddy's Bigger Burgers

Teddy's Bigger Burgers Much Better Than the Fast Food Burgers! Here it is, the newest burger joint to invade the Valley Isle, oh that's Maui for you peeps that are unfamiliar with the island's monicker. Teddy's Bigger Burgers located in my hood, at the Lahaina Gateway Shopping Mall, right next to Genki Sushi, is really a good burger joint, I'd say much better than the fast food giant's burger for sure. But if you can't afford a burger combo that is priced around 10.00, then you should go and get Mickey D's 1.00 menu.

Here's the story leading up to me experiencing Teddy's, it was about October or November in 2010, I was walking to Lahaina Foodland Farms, and in a vacant space I noticed a sign that said, "Coming Soon Teddy's Bigger Burgers" and there was a juicy picture of a double cheese burger, it looked so good, I could taste it. Then I called my friend Pete who knows a lot of the food service professionals from mom and pops to high end restaurants in Hawaii, Pete's profession is he sells and sets up professional kitchens for a living, let's just say Pete knows his shit, about food, about how to run a restaurant, and everything else about food. So I says to Pete, "Hey Pete, how's this Teddy's place?"

"It's really good Ron," he says. He's driving on the H1 freeway in Honolulu by the way, his Blue Tooth has some hissing sound.

"Okay, because I see a sign that says Teddy's is going to open up in Lahaina some time next year."

"They have good burgers, the ones in Oahu is excellent, some of the best burgers I've ever had from an over the counter kind of dig."

"Oh really... man that picture of the double burger looks wicked."

"It is, I think you guys on Maui will like it, I think they'll do well."

"Orite, thanks Pete."

Fast forward to today, I walk inside and can't wait to eat one. But several peeps had told me that they will never go back to Teddy's because the burgers though good, they felt that it was not great like everyone on Oahu said it was. Well, I'll have to see for myself.

I stand in line, and look at the menu, I do not want chicken, I want beef. So I settled for the Number 2 combo, the original 7 oz patty, on some soft buns, with their sauce, and lettuce, tomato, and onion, and pickle, fries and a medium drink. With a discount it came out to 9.50, not bad, it's like three bucks more than a Double Quarter w. Cheese meal at Mc Donald's. And the burgers tasted fresher like homemade. The fries was nicely cooked, golden and tasty.

So this is how it went, I ordered, got my cup for my drink, and my change, and they handed me some stuff that looked like a coaster, but it's not. It's this electronic device that buzzes when your oreder is ready. Cool, instead of the counter person yellin your name or a number order, you hold this gadget, and when the cooks have your order ready, the thing of majig vibrates. So after about 10 minutes of sipping my Coke and watching other foodies devour their burgers, my device starts to vibrate wildly. Okay, I'm at the counter, I get my food and sit back down.

I picked up the burger, I look at it, it smells really good, just the way ground beef patties should sittig in between two soft buns. I squeeze it, and man the juices start to ooze out. Can't wait. I slowly take a bite into this 7 oz. beauty. Yes, not overcooked, kind of pink, just the way I like my burger, a little pink. I savor the moment, the sauce is good, the burger tastes good, the lettuce is crisp, great. It's perfect. I bite into some of the golden fries, and it's great too. Then I sip my Coke, man this is good stuff. Okay, I have to admit, I think Cool Cat's in the Wharf is better, but, this place does do good burgers, it's way better than the Golden Arches, or Burger King, or Jack in a Crack. For sure, by miles! My burger had cheddar on it.

Would I go back there again? I would, I definitely would, despite some of my foodie friends saying that they'll not go back because they thought the burgers sucked, well, that's their opinion. Mines? I'll go back for certain, as soon as I get another tip at work that can cover another combo at Teddy's, I'll be back. I mean, yeah, we all had tastier burgers at a cookout, or in your own home because we can season it with what we want, but listen here, Teddy's has to make their burgers the way they do, it's a neutral but good beef taste, but it's not seasoned with all kinds of seasoned salts, and powders you know? If they did that they would turn off lots of people. The burgers is good, I'd spend a few more dollars at Teddy's than buy a Mc Donald's No. 3 any day. Here's my take on their burgers, it tastes like a burger okay? If you are looking for a seasoned to the max burger, then don't go to Teddy's, stay home and grill your own with Lawry's. The burgers do taste like what it's supposed to, and that is beef. It does taste like beef, and that's good nuff fo me. It ain't that salty, and that's great for people with hypertension, there's salt on the condiment counter if you want more salt, so that's it, it's a good burger folks, go check it out. If I can see the place packed with peeps devouring theirs, then it's gotta be good.

The No. 2 Original Combo, 7 oz. beef burger w/ fries and Coke

After my first bite, I'm in Burger Heaven! I like it pink and juicy

My empty Coke cup

At Lahaina Gateway they're open from 10am to 9pm, give them a try

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