CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

MAUI- Chefs/Cooks Handling Criticism

Handling Criticism isn't easy sometimes, but we all have to deal with it, especially if we're cooking for others. Sometimes we're multi-tasking, and will not make that poached egg just the way your aunt wants it. Or maybe we have something on our minds, and that t-bone steak was just a little too long on the grill for Uncle Ralph's medium-rare. Or our sauces maybe too thin for some of our true foodies. But remember this, that tastes, palates, and all that are opinions, not everyone will like someones pasta, not everyone is going to like someones roasted turkey. Just remember, to do the best job you can. We can't please everyone we invite. Not all of us are trained to cook a variety of different styles. Don't compare yourself with your sister who went to culinary school. Don't compare yourself with your cousin who hunts his own game and is a master at the grill.

Lately I've been really thinking about what food and people really mean. And what that means is to share a meal, not complain if the herbs and spices aren't to our specifications, but to be humble and thankful that we get a meal. Sometimes we foodies are so critical because that's what we do, that's our passion, that's our thing. But no, the real thing is that matters most if we get to cook for someone or are invited to eat with someone, it has to be heart felt. We must be honest and try to cook the best we can for others offering them the best meal experience and company. And to be thankful that we are invited to someones home for a meal.

Having to be polite and kind in these circumstances is important, being to critical in times of an invite, well really there's no place for that. Maybe if we are judging a cookoff or something then we can be, or if we paid a good dollar at a nice bistro and the food was bad, then being critical is only natural. Just remember this, just be thankful for having someone offering their cookings to us, and do the best we can if cooking for others.

We are only human, we'll do good, and we'll do bad, but that shouldn't stop us from being happy and joyful. So what if the turkey isn't flavored right by some of your friends, your response should be, "Well I guess you can help yourselves to the salt and pepper and those condiments there on the rack." Just don't get upset if someone gets too critical on your cooking. Just smile, if someone gets on you for a bad meal, just tell them, "Well thanks for your input, next time I won't invite you." No just kidding, handling constructive criticism is good, someone may offer you really valuable advice on that sauce that maybe too thin, or that pasta that just misses something. Just listen to it, maybe you may learn something, maybe not. Just listen, smile if there's nothing valubale for you.

Keep cooking, do the best you can. Practice makes perfect, take a cooking class, learn from your friends who make that awesome potroast, learn from your friend that rolls sushi and is a great party host. Learning never stops, so keep an open mind, don't be discouraged. Keep cooking, don't stop. Don't quit.

I love you guys.

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