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Sunday, May 8, 2011

MAUI- A Mother's Day Rememberance

Happy Mother's Day 2011; to all you moms.

I remember several Mother's Day in the past, one year we took mom to a nice hotel brunch, most of the family members were there to share in the special occasion. One of the few holidays that are catered to the woman that held it all together.

Brunches are always good at the hotels, my sisters made the arrangements, we had a party of almost 20 people eating until we almost went into a coma. Brunches with all of the assortments of vegetables, fruits, and all the meats, poultry and seafood you can gobble down. The guy making pancakes and omelets. The guy carving the prime rib, and all of the cool looking desserts. Why did we have to eat that much? Because it was Mother's Day, that's what you have to do, is eat a lot. And of course the champagne, got to have that, well.. maybe not, that stuff gave me a headache, and stepping out to the parking lot when its all done, the sun gets to you and gets you dizzy.

Moms deserve to be pampered that one day, it is their day, my sisters always got my mom the best stuff like getting her feet massaged by a pro, and then her nails and hair all done up. Just think, moms go through the year busting their asses for their kids, just trying to make life easier and all warm and fuzzy for us when we were younger. It's only right for kids to do something nice for mom.

So with that thought in mind, ejnoy your moms, ours went to heaven 2 years ago, so just the memories linger when this day comes around. I know economic times are hard, maybe you can't afford a brunch at the nice hotel or fancy dig. But you can make a special day by just having a nice quiet lunch or dinner, just make things nice, it's the surroundings, and the people who share her day together with that matters most.

Ron. :)

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