CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Monday, May 9, 2011

MAUI- You Have to Have NO SHAME!

"Eh No Shame!" What was that all about you may ask as you witness two local brothers without any shirt on talking to each other at a local restaurant. What is that they are saying? No shame? No shame? What is that?

Okay if you are new to the islands, the phrase NO SHAME, simply means this. It means don't worry about what others may be thinking, never mind that, you could be walking down the road with your nuts hanging out, NO SHAME. So when you are eating something and you are sharing something with someone, and they don't want to partake in it, it could be that they are shy, and don't want to eat feeling that if they do they may seem ... I don't know... shame?

So if someone doesn't want to try a dish you just purchased, you're telling them, "Here, have some." And they go, "no thanks, I'm fine."

You see where this is going?

"No I'm okay, I don't want any I'm fine."
"C'mon NO SHAME!"
"No, I'm fine."
"C'mon have some, NO SHAME!"

No shame is just a phrase to get the other person to eat something they really don't want, it's a way to put someone on the spot... or not.


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