CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Monday, June 20, 2011


Shirley Fong Torres was a very good person, very funny, full of life, and was so into food and people. When I met her at the Ritz Carlton Kapalua several years ago, that first meeting was like... I knew this woman all my life, so relaxed, and that smile, it was that smile. As we talked, she revealed to me that she was a chef, and she was an author of books, and she had cooking segments shown on the Food Network and the Travel Channel. Wow, that's big time. Ah... how was I supposed to tell her that I was producing an underground cooking show on cable access, and that I delved in writing, and I wanted to do what she was doing? I mean what a chance meeting. This person comes into my life, already living my dream. Oh man.

Anyhow, we got to talking, so I spilled the beans, "Yeah Shirley I'm working on my own cooking show, and my own books..." I was waiting for this big time lecture on how tough the business is, and how thick skin you gotta be.

To my surprise she was totally cool with what I was telling her. "Go for it Ron, so what kind of stuff you cook on your show?" Okay I thought, this lady is way cool. Super cool. "Ah right now local stuff you know, and maybe some other stuff later."

Long story short, I seen her over the years maybe 3 times, and it was all quality time, like a mentor/student/friend thing. And our correspondence via email and phone was always fun. She'd tell me about a recent trip, or people she took on tours through China Town in San Francisco. She was always happy at what she did, that's what separated her from most people I knew. It was like, "Hey Ron what's up how's Maui?" Or, "Did ya get your book published yet? Oh no? Really? Well expect bumps in the road, just hang in there kid!" That was Shirley, always making me feel like I could knock down that steel gate and get what is mine you know? Positive, that was Shirley.

Several weeks ago, I tried to ask her what was up, she didn't want to tell me, except she wasn't feeling great, okay I figured, I'll let her be. Then I had a shoot at Mark Ellman's house, and I asked if he knew what was wrong with her, Mark didn't tell more than what I knew, so I figured she'll be back Facebooking soon. It never happened, on Father's Day, I had to check up on her... only to find out that her page had all kinds of sad messages. Finally one of her friends Facebooked me back with an article that said Shirley passed away. It was one of those moments, like "No way, this is just a stupid joke right?" Wrong, it's real, she's gone. "No! We were supposed to eat some Filipino food on Maui, that was one of our plans, me and Shirley, getting some Filipino grub."

Life, it's so short when you think about it. I keep thinking maybe when I post something on Facebook, there's Shirley hitting the (like) or writing a (comment). Only now, I won't recieve any of her posts, ones with awesome food pics, and a short comment of where she ate and with what person. Well then, I accepted this, that Shirley is gone, and only our memories of her will linger. She was cool, offering me some of her pictures and a recipe for my cookbook that is taking some time to finish. She was a big part of my creative life. She really was.

Well Shirley, this is Ron here on Maui... thanks girl... thanks for being my friend, and offering me advice... just thanks for being cool, you were and always will be the coolest foodie in the world. Love you Shirley, God Bless You.

Shirley Fong Torres always smiled


  1. Nice post Ron, so sad to hear this news...I'm sure she will still be working to inspire you wherever she is now

  2. Mahalo Ron. Shirley would have loved your message, and hopefully she is reading it while she cooks in the heavens. We all miss her here in San Francisco and echo your thoughts on her joy for life and zest for good times. She so enjoyed her visits to Maui. Aloha, Kim Spangler

  3. Thank you, Ron. I am so fortunate to have had such a wonderful mama.

  4. Aloha Ron: Shirley & I were born 3 days apart & we were planning to spend our "special" birthday (okay, our 65th) together on Maui since she was going to be at a Food/Wine event & my friend's daughter was thinking of getting married in Maui around the same time. When we were talking about this possibility, she did mention that we had to visit Chef Ron, which I'm assuming HAD to be you! We all miss her infectious smile & sense of humor! Hang in there, Chef Ron! Shirley's looking down & encouraging you from above! xoxo kathie fong yoneda -- or
