CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Friday, June 17, 2011

MAUI- Find Cooking Style You LIke and Stick to It

So you are learning to cook eh? The best way to learn to cook is to hang out with a person who loves what he or she does. Now if you want a career in cooking, I strongly suggest you look into working in a restaurant to get a feel of what it takes to be a pro, and of course go to culinary school, if you live in Hawaii, the Maui Campus of the U.H. is awesome, as well as a couple on Oahu.

But you must have a love for the foods you cook, that's how great chefs became great, for example Mario Batali is a master Italian Chef, that's the foods he grew up with, Ming Tsai, and my friend Shirley Fong Torres are excellent Chinese Chefs, that's the foods they love to prepare, it comes from the heart and soul.

So what kind of foods do you like to eat? Is it Japanese? Then find someone that cooks great Japanese meals. You like Mexican food? Hang out with an awesome person that does great Mexican meals.

Learn how to use a knife, learn why a cut is cut the way it is, learn why some items shouldn't be stirred but folded, why you bring a stock to boil, but finish it off by simmering covered or uncovered. Yes foodies, there's much to learn, and no one is ever an expert, there's not enough years in a lifetime to be a true expert of food, there's always something new to be discovered.

Do not let anyone burst your bubble for trying, if you cooked for me and the meat was burnt? No prob, I'll just slice off the burnt part and eat the rest. The thing is I'll be thankful for an invite to eat. That's the golden treasure, that invite to eat.

And when you're invited to a chef's house for a meal, man it doesn't get better than that. I mean a trained chef that can whip us something in a few minutes is awesome. So just try and try and have fun, don't get discouraged when your meal doesn't come out right, just look at the pros on Iron Chef, they're class A pros, but get grilled by those Bozos sitting on the panel as judges. Judges, what do they know right? They're usually some egomaniac food writer, or some so-called expert on food. No, just kidding, I truly respect the professional food writers, most of them do know what they're talking about, they really do. But I was just saying, just keep jamming in your kitchen, until you get it down.

And don't forget to invite me, let me know what kind of attire too. Oh by the way, I like to go casual, t-shirt, shorts, and slippers. If I need a dress shirt, I may not show up. Ha ha.

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