CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Sunday, June 26, 2011


Burgers tastes good when they are homemade!

Got to have a homemade burger, just got to. But what's a simple tasty recipe for a burger made at home? Here is a recipe I kind of tweaked from one of my associates. Here we go, I'll just do a 1 lb. of ground chuck Prime or Choice grade, do not use lean kind, this is for juicy burgers.

1 lb. of ground chuck
1 tsp. of black pepper
1 tsp. of salt
1 tbsp. onion powder
1 tbsp. garlic powder

1 tsp. of sesame oil
1 tsp. of ketchup
1 tsp. of yellow mustard
1 tbsp. of soy sauce
1 egg beaten
1/2 cup of bread crumbs

1. Place ground beef in a stainless steel bowl, break it up fine using gloves or wash your hands really well.
2. In a small mixing bowl, blend together all of the dry ingredients. In another bowl, blend all of the wet ingredients together.
3. Add wet ingredients to ground beef, and mix it well. Then add the dry ingredients and mix it well. And then  add in the bread crumbs and mix well again.

* Chill the mixture for about 1 hour to get it firm. Form 4 patties.

Cooking: Preheat a gas or charcoal grill, over medium high heat, sear the first side, about 4-5 minutes, then cook the second side until cooked to your desire. Add a slice of cheddar or Swiss if you want a cheese burger.

Toast buns with butter, garnish with your favorite veggies, crisp tomatoes, cool lettuce, sweet Maui onions, and dress them with whatever you like.

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