CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Thursday, June 23, 2011


Aloha to all of you in blogger land or blogger space. Let's talk about life for a little bit here shall we? Our friend Shirley Fong Torres passed away this past weekend, and she leaves us with a lot of good memories. 

I know Shirley's looking down on us, and probably saying, "Will you stop feeling sad and have some fun?" She's probably saying, "Ron write something funny already jeez!" Well, here we go because to me Shirley was one of the funniest foodies around.

Okay, this one time I was working at the old Kaanapali Beach Club on the beach at Kaanapali, I was being trained for the lead dinner cook. So the sous chef was training me, and I had a plate of mahi with some cream sauce, but the cream sauce went over the lip of the dish. So Scott the pretty boy waiter starts yelling at me, "Hey Rookie! What's with the messy plate?!!!" He was a jerk, we all know these guys right? He may have had issues where he was kicked around as a kid on the playground.

"Hey I'm sorry, I'll wipe it off," I said politely, but my blood pressure was rising just a tad, like 200 over 150, not high, but climbing.

"Never mind! Don't let that happen again!" Scott said as he walked away, fixing his collar, but I'd like to chime in, that he was..... losing his.... H A  I R. "Okay rookie, I'm the waiter you don't wanna mess with!"

Well long story short, I got a little drip on some other plate of something else, so here comes Scott once again. "Hey I told you...." Then he proceeds to walk in the back by the stove. He gets in my face and starts to threaten me. "What did I say?!!!"

So I grabbed a chef's knife that was hanging on the magnet and stuck it on his throat, just touching the skin, a little more towards me, I would have killed him. "Hey back off!" I yelled. "Go ahead, get closer and I'll stab you!"

"Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, I didn't mean to yell at you (gulp), hey we can be friends yeah?" Scott was very frightened, heck it was only a 7 inch blade.

I guess I shouldn't have grabbed that knife but it was the Filipino in me, we like knives ha ha. No, that was not a cool thing, and wouldn't suggest anyone snap and hold a knife to someone's throat, but I felt threatened, for some reason I just reached for the knife. The boss gave me a lecture, and guess what? Me and Scott were drinking buddies after work from then on. I guess a little scare with the knife can work wonders for someone's attitude.

Why was this funny? Everyone was laughing about it at the restaurant after a week went by, we'd all go scuba diving, and people would tell me, "Ron, don't carry a dive knife." Or, "Don't make Ron mad if you wanna live." Or, "Ron... what time is that anger management class?" Or, "Ron, if Scott walked a quarter of an inch closer to you, we'd be visiting you in prison." You get the picture? Well, I think Shirley would laugh at that, and probably shake her head. No, that's not cool, I shouldn't have done that, but it was what it was, and no one got killed thank God, and it was a story that was funny. Whenever I walked to the bar, people all moved to the side as a joke. Yeah we Filipinos do like our knives, but that's who we are I guess. Well, that was just a story that was hilarious in the end, no one got hurt, and Scott and me we had some fun times getting wasted at the restaurant with other brothers and sisters, even going to other worker's houses to have cookouts. And even there, the joke was on me and Scott, "Hey watch out for those two, they might kill each other... or us." ha ha.

Hey Shirley was that funny up there? I hope so, if not, I'll try again! We love you you know that right?


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