CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


Vindaloo is a very spicey, hot dish depending on the cook that's preparing it. It's conducive to many Portuguese kitchens. But some Indian joints will sell Vindaloo. There are many recipes out there, and many claim that their mom's or grandma's is the best vindaloo.

Here is a simple recipe for Vindaloo. The protein can be whatever you desire, beef, pork, chicken, fish, tofu, anything.

2 1/2 pounds of diced (we'll use chicken breast)

Vindaloo sauce ingredients (you will need a blender to blend these dried spices)
1 tbsp. or so of coriander seeds
1 tsp. maybe 2 of cardomom seeds
1 1/2 tsp. whole black pepper corns
10-12 whole cloves
1 1/2 tbsp. of chili powder
3-4 cinnamon sticks
2-3 tsp. fenugreek seeds
1-2 tsp. fresh minced ginger
2-3 tsp. cumin seeds

In a dry frying pan, gently toast all of these ingredients for 3-5 minutes. Now put these toasted ingredients in a blender with 2 1/2 tsp. of mustard powder, 2 1/2 tsp. of turmeric powder, 2 tsp. of sea salt, 2 tsp. of minced garlic, 1 cup of vinegar, and blend it into a smooth paste, to make the sauce. Add a little water if you want to make it more moist.

In a stainless steel pan heat up about 4-6 tbsp. of vegetable oil over medium high heat. Add in 2 small onions (chopped) and 3 large bay leaves, sautee those until the onions are translucent. Then remove the bay leaves and throw them away, and set a side the cooked onions.

Return the pan to the heat, add in a little more oil to sautee the diced chicken, sautee it for about 4 minutes to release the juices, add the sauce to the chicken, add in more water if it looks too dry, not too much, you don't want it soupy. Add in the onions, lower heat to simmering, cover with a lid or foil, and cook for about 40 minutes, or until the sauce reduces and thickens. Add more salt to taste and pepper or chili to taste.

Garnish with cilantro leaves, and serve with hot basmati rice.

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