CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Wednesday, August 31, 2011


In the kitchen (in your home) there's all kinds of hazards that can injure family members. Sharp knives, forks, hot pans, boiling water, toddlers running around unsupervised, electrical issues, gas stoves turned on left overnight, and the list goes on and on.

Here's some tips for a safe kitchen.

1. Keep your kitchen clean, and spotless, and get roach and ant baits, leave them away from food, like in the back corners of your cupboards, having a clean and sanitized kitchen also prevents some forms of food poisonings, such as cross contamination when foods come into contact with cleaning solutions such as ammonia, soaps and other chemicals that are harmful to a human body.

2. Store all sharp utensils such as knives in a drawer, or hanging safely on a magnet on the wall.

3. Do not leave knives or other sharp objects in a sink filled with water, someone may reach in to grab something and get a nasty cut from that sharp object that wasn't supposed to be there in the first place.

4. Keep hot oil and water that is still functioning on the stove on the back burners, this prevents someone from touching it when walking by, and accidentally pulling it off of the stove. Watch for toddlers or young kids that walk into the kitchen they may be curious and touch it, the outcome could be very disastrous. Imagine someone you love getting third degree burns?

5. Keep your kitchen floors clean, wipe up spills immediately, preventing anyone from slipping and causing injury or even death. Keep floors clear of toys, or other items that may cause someone to stumble.

6. Keep your kitchen's vents clean at all times, yes if it is not clean a fire can break out, all that grease becomes combustible. 
The National Fire Protection Association reported in 2009 that 85% of fire deaths were caused in the home. WOW!!!!! So now be careful with the hot stuff.
* Keep all rags, towels about 3 feet from the flame of the stove.
* If a pan ignites because of a grease fire, put a steel lid over it to suffocate the flame, and turn off the heat and let it cool.
* If a grill ignites, turn it off and you can sprinkle baking soda to put out the flame, do not throw water on any fire, grease or electrical.
* Make sure all microwaves have room to vent, keep it a safe distance away from walls, if anything burns in a microwave, do not panic, simply turn it off and unplug the device. If worse comes to worse, use a conducive fire extinguisher. More on this on the bottom of this article.

7. Keep all of your items in your refrigerator freezer nice and organized, do not leave huge heavy items on the top of small items, it may fall out and hit you on the head, face, or feet. Also rotate your stock, all items dated ready to expire should be pushed up to the front, and latter ones towards the rear.

8. If you have little ones, get child proof locks on all cupboard doors.

9. Keep all cell phones, and laptops, stereos, televisions, away from the heat of the stove, and away from the sink where water is present, this is to prevent electrical shock.

10. Keep all important phone numbers handy in the kitchen, the gas company, your local electrician, the electric company, 911, your local doctor's office.

These are just a few simple tips to be safe. Happy cooking.

A Class K fire extinguisher works for kitchen grease fires, while a Class C fire extinguisher works for electrical fires.  I can't drill this enough in people, take a possible fire seriously, it is the difference between life and death, seriously. Contact your local fire department to help you out, most off duty fire professionals will lend their time to help you out, maybe cook them something. Or look for classes on safety at your local community college.

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