CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Monday, August 29, 2011


I remember one of my co-workers at the golf course who wasn't a chef, giving everyone tips on cooking. Yes he wasn't a chef, but Cy knew how to eat good, and how to make a lame ass lunch that he bought 10 times better by sprucing it up with condiments.

So this one time Cy buys a big bowl of chilli, and it was sort of dead, kind of thin, not too much flavor or richness. So Cy went back to the store and picked up lots of packets of mayonnaise. He opened up like 5 packets and emptied it into the bowl of chilli, we're like "what the hell you doing, that's gross?" But Cy explained that the mayonnaise gave the lame ass chilli some richness, and creamy flavor. Then he opened a couple of packets of black pepper, then put a few shots of Tabasco in there too. But everyone sampled that sprucing up of the chilli with mayonnaise, and it worked pretty good. 

I tried doing that with a weak beef stew I bought from a restaurant in Lahaina, it didn't have any bite or thickness, it was kind of on the thin soupy side, but when I put in a couple packets of mayonnaise it got creamier and it was more tasty, though kind of unhealthy this is just a tip to make a weak dish creamier.

This one chick from one of my other work place put extra mayonnaise in the ranch dressing that was bought at a supermarket, that added more body to it, and it still tasted like ranch. Mayonnaise is like the ultimate addition to weak dishes that calls for a rich flavorful savory sauce.

One dude added mayonnaise to his beef with black beans sauce, he ordered Chinese but when he took the meal home it was weak, so he added mayonnaise from the fridge to it and it worked well he said, and ate the whole plate.

An older woman who loves to bake cakes and pies sometimes adds mayonnaise to the batter to make it rich, when a recipe calls for eggs, she adds not only eggs but some mayonnaise too.

Another person I know baked a pizza at his house, and instead of using a tomato based sauce for the first layer of the pizza he put a good portion of mayonnaise, and then garlic, and then some cheese and then some Canadian bacon and olives, it worked good, it tasted like a toasted opened faced sandwich.

Try adding mayonnaise to a teriyaki sauce, see what happens. Of course not to the marinade, but a teri sauce that is already cooked and ready to be spread over meats, add a tablespoon of mayonnaise to it, and watch it morph into a creamy Japanese/French concoction. 

I saw a girl eat her French fries with a ramekin of vinegar and mayonnaise, now that's not your average French fry aficionado, whereas I myself would just load it with salt and pepper and some ketchup, girlfriend was totally in love with that ramekin.

So mayonnaise is a condiment some folks need to have for sprucing up meals, it works, it adds life to a sub sandwich, salads, and now all kinds of foods. I've seen people add curry powder to mayonnaise to make a rich curry dip, now that's a tip right there, sounds good with grilled chicken or pork, just slice the meat into bite size pieces and dip it into the mayonnaise with curry powder concoction and you're good to go.

So if you need to spruce up a dish especially something savory like a stew, go for the condiment that most everyone has in their fridge, good old mayonnaise. Imagine a world without it? The kid at Subway will ask you, "Would you like mustard?" and that's it. And if you're a vegan, there's vegan mayonnaise out on the market.

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