CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Friday, October 14, 2011


Got an employees $50.00 gift certificate for The Plantation House restaurant at Kapalua, cool, can't complain, fifty bucks is not a lot, but it is a lot if someone is giving it to you, in cash or a gift ticket, I'll take it any day.

Probably use it before the November 30, deadline, breakfast is great there, I think the best time for the views is no doubt in the daytime, at nights you can't see anything, but the food is good, chef Alex does a fantastic job there, the staff is incredible too.

So got to thank The Plantation House for this blessing, and since I mitigated alcohol it works out pretty good, but debating getting a killer Benedict to start the day, or go up there for a dinner.

Maybe I'll get my golf clubs and practice some chipping and putting and then decide what to do. But I am leaning towards a killer Benedict and be done with that, and then truck it to D.T. Flemmings to see what is going on down there, maybe some local Jawaiian band is jamming, who knows, but there's always something going on down there, and if nothing is going on, on Maui that's something. Mellow cuzins! Just go to chill.

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