CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Our doggy, part of the family, TAMA Doggy, is a friendly playful Staffordshire Bull Terrier. Today we wrapped up the video shoot, I cooked him some eggs for breakfast, and a ground beef stew for lunch. He ate it all, and rolled over because he was so full, he wanted to take a nap.

He was stuffed, even went behind the tree to poo poo. It was fun time, with my sidekick Danny D Play Agdeppa, and Co Producer/Director Sascha Bauml.

Danny Agdeppa pets Tama Doggy after his egg breakfast.

Sascha filiming Tama as he mauls his stew.

Me, rubbing Tama's belly after the eggs doggy mauled. What a lovable doggy. One time, Tama ran away from home, he ended up at the Lahaina Civic Center, he ran onto the basketball court during a live basketball game, my nephew Chad who is Tama's master, had to track him down. That was pretty hilarious. Mr. Tama is a fun dog what a character. Kids love him.

The show should be on AKAKU TV before the end of the month or beginning of November, and we'll put it on YouTube too.

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