CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Monday, December 26, 2011

Hawaiian Fish

Ono or Wahoo, is a menacing looking fish, it weighs around 15 to 60 plus pounds, not found much during the Hawaiian winters, December through March. Ono is a rather long fish, averaging in lengths up to 6 feet, and they have some razor sharp teeth, you don't want these guys chomping at you. And they are fast, they can swim up to 50 miles per hour.

The Ono hits lures very quickly, and is a favorite among deep sea fishermen, and according to the experts, Ono are loners, mostly on their own, but at times in groups of 3 or so fish.

What do they feed on? Ono feed on other fish and squid for sustenance, and if you ever get a chance to eat Ono, the meat is on the firm side, white, it has a rather sweet taste. 

Here is my Ono recipe for the day:

2 Ono steaks about 6 oz. each

marinate it in one cup of olive oil, 4 cloves of garlic, 1 basil leaf chopped, 1/2 can of tomato sauce, 3 tbsp. of balsamic vinegar, some cracked pepper corns. Let it sit for about 2 hours. Save marinade.

Heat up a grill, and over medium heat grill each steak for about 3 minutes each side, I don't like over cooked Ono. Ono by the way means delicious in Hawaiian.

When done, plate it with some rice or potatoes, return marinade to a saucepan, heat it up to make warm, pour some over the steaks and sprinkle some salt to taste.

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