CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Tuesday, December 27, 2011


If you come to Maui, or any of the Hawaiian islands, and if you are a foodie, seek out where the locals get their munchies fixed. Any island, the best way to find these places is to ask a local person, "Hey where do you guys eat? Where's the best local plate lunches?"

You are bound to get the right or best answer, locals in the islands know how food is to be prepared, their taste buds are like sonar, or radar, they'll seek out the best food and value for the buck.

Look for these dishes, LOCO MOCO. This is usually two hamburger steaks, grilled, over two scoops of rice, and 2 eggs cooked to your liking, with lots of brown gravy smothered all over it, with a very rich macaroni salad, the base of it is mayonnaise. Locals and mayo go hand in hand.

Chopped Steak, this is a piece of steak that is prepared differently by different digs. One way is when a chef takes about 6 oz. of flank steak, slice it somewhat thin across the grain, and then tosses it in a hot wok or pan with oil and some garlic, sears it fast, then adds in some onions, cook it until it's somewhat soft, and then add in their sauce. Again, this sauce can be a simple concoction of soy sauce, some hot sauce, some sugar and that's it. Some chefs will get Chinese with it and add a little black beans in there with oyster sauce.

Now this method I like better. It is when the chef sears the flank steak in one piece cooked medium well, and then slice it after it is cooked, and then just put some salt and pepper on it, and then saute the onions after in the same pan, and then smother the onions of the steak, and then I'd douse it with some Kikoman soy sauce, and some Tabasco. Mmmmmmm!:)

Okay that's only 2 dishes, I gotta go catch my bus now, I'll write more later.

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