CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Saturday, April 7, 2012

MAUI Korean Style Chicken Soup

This is a simple Korean Style Chicken Soup, it can be mild, hot, or extremely hot by simply adding in Sambal Oelek Chilli Paste to your hottest pleasure. Korean influence covers a wide range, because in different regions of Korea cooks will make dishes sweeter, sour, or salty, or hot, or a combination of everything.

So this is my version of Korean Style Chicken Soup.

1 4-5 lb. whole chicken, cut into quarters, I like to leave the skin on, the fat from the skin will give it flavor.
1 6 inch ginger peeled and sliced into 1/4 inch discs
1 whole garlic peeled and smashed
8 leaves of green onion minced

1. Fill a large pot (stainless steel) with filtered water to a boil, add in the chicken parts with the ginger, garlic, and green onions. Keep at a boil for about 5 minutes, then turn down heat to low, and simmer the chicken for about 1 hour uncovered. Add a little more water as needed if it evaporates.
2. While that is simmering do this....
a. Scramble 6 large eggs and fry them, and then slice them into thin strips.
b. Chop one head of Chinese cabbage and set aside
c. Soak 1 cup of Shitake mushrooms, and set them aside
d. Shred 1 cup of Carrots, and set aside.

Finishing Ingredients
Soy Sauce to taste
Sesame oil to taste
Sambal Oelek Chili Paste

3. When the chicken meat falls off of the bone, the chicken and the broth is done, you can either serve right away while all is hot, or let cool and reheat for later. 
4. Assuming you will eat right away, remove the chicken on to a chopping board, and shred the meat, and set on a plate.
5. Return broth to stove, and season it with soy sauce and sesame oil to taste, not too much, just give it a little kick, and let the individual diner season it more, soy sauce is rather salty, and sesame oil is strong, just add a tablespoon of each should be alright.
6. Set some large soup bowls on the table, and add in some chicken meat, then a tablespoon of Sambal Oelek Chili paste, it is hot, actually ask the individual how much you should put in. Then add in some cooked egg strips, shitake mushrooms, Chinese cabbage, and carrots. Then spoon in the hot chicken broth to each bowl, the broth should be very hot, steaming, so be careful.
Ground Fresh Chili Paste
8 oz. jar
By Huy Fong
Retails for about $2-$3.00 a jar

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