CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Thursday, April 5, 2012


Ono Gelato Co. & Espresso Bar Authentic Italian Ice Cream first opened in Paia a few years ago by Mr. Gelato himself Stefano and wife Melissa, then they sold that store but holds the title Ono Gelato Co., moved in to the current store on Front St. across from Whaler's General Store, and business is doing very well. "You can eat your Gelato out on the deck overlooking the ocean," says Stefano. And I did, he turned me on to the Lilikoi flavor, all natural, all made in house, no preservatives. "We get locals bring in mangoes, and we make the gelato here in the store." What a concept, fresh Italian Ice Cream, fresh, cool, splendid I tell you, just delicious stuff.
"We have a lot of flavors, we have an Espresso Bar, we got excellent coffee, and fresh Smoothies," continues Stefano with an easy demeanor, he's one of the friendliest food establishment owners I've met. He's like the guy that played shortstop in Little League, and his mom was the one that always told him to share with your friends. Stefano is a kind soul, when his employee called him to meet me, I actually was ready for some dude asking me, "What you want?!" But it wasn't the case, Stefano was cool.

"I'm Italian, I was making this when I was a kid," he says to me. And I could just feel that vibe, okay he was makin this stuff since he was a kid? Yeah, I can feel it you know? Like it's going to Kobe Bryant's house and seeing a basket and a court in his back yard, you can feel it, or if you went to BB King's house, and saw his guitars, yeah, it was meant to be man. This cat Stefano is the real deal, he is right off the bat, I can feel it, he is GELATO KING of Maui. "I love the fact that everything we do comes from Maui, it is local." Hmmm, organic, natural no herbicide, no hormones or antibiotics, I can dig that Stefano.

"Ron do you like your Gelato?" he asks. I respond with, "Shit this is good man!" I mean I saw Cheese Cake in the display, Cheese Cake Gelato? Or was I seeing things. And then out of nowhere, boom! A mega rush, tourist in swimwear hurrying to the counter which is manned with two employees, very friendly, it's a great vibe in there, I think it is Stefano's persona that keeps it mellow, Stefano is super mellow. You go there and just try and sample some flavors, all natural, and totally refreshing. With Summer approaching, Stefano should kill it, sales I mean.
To the left is the Bravo Gelato machine, all the fresh fruits from Maui goes in there, and Stefano adds whatever is needed to make the Authentic Italian Ice Cream called Gelato. Quite frankly I don't think I had real Gelato, I mean I did have it, but it didn't taste like Ono Gelato... hmmm. This is great stuff folks, not because I'm a blogger of food and get free meals all the time, seriously I'd pay for this Italian specialty. Look at that machine, it runs 30 to 40 grand says Stefano. "It's about the same as buying a BMW," he says with a smile. I'm thinking no kidding man, no kidding a Beamer. Well Stefano and his wife really believe in sustainability, in the store I noticed TOMS sandals in there, if you buy a pair the company gives a pair to someone who needs it, now that's true humanity, if Jesus was on Front Street, he'd stop by and say, "Hey Stefano, Oooo right!" Yeah my short time meeting Stefano and just feeling the vibe of the place got me thinking, to be a businessman on Front Street, you can't be a soft weakling, you gotta be a roaring tiger... or a smart Gelato King. Remember that name folks, ONO GELATO CO. & ESPRESSO BAR AUTHENTIC ITALIAN ICE CREAM. Get a cone for your Gelato, get some coffee or a smoothie, purchase some TOMS foot ware, go out on the deck overlooking the Blue Pacific with boats sailing back and forth with Lanai in the background, you can't get better than that dudes, just can't. Thanks to Stefano and his crew for the Authentic Italian Ice Cream called Gelato, made with fresh fruits from Maui.

TOMS Shoes, go great with Gelato, so if you are in the Lahaina area, and new to the island, or heck even if you're a local that forgot we had Front Street, if you got some extra bucks, stop by Ono Gelato, bring the keiki and refresh yourselves.

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