CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Friday, May 18, 2012

MAUI- James Kudlich Foodie Tapes his Pilot At Teddy's

Today it was me behind the scenes as I produced my latest project, James Kudlich, as he mauled a huge ass Western Burger from Teddy's Bigger Burgers in the Lahaina Gateway.

James has the fun look, like the guy you can trust to pick up your kids from school, or your grandparents from the airport. It's been a few months but we finally got the time to shoot this video that we hope can turn into a fund project for both of us, and to put some money in the empty bottles for rent, gas, or whatever. As soon as it is edited, we'll post it on Youtube, and on all of the social media sites. 

James Kudlich has the talent to be the next big foodie, this our take on Man vs. Food, and though this seems like we're copying other productions, well, that's just the way it is, someone came up with a cool model, and we're just trying to make another one. I remember at one time, America had some great electronics, and then Japan took over. so there you go, maybe we are copycats, but in real life we're all copycats. Look at the way you're dressed? Look at your cell phone, if you want to be original, well, ...ah you get the picture.

The show doesn't have a title or logo just yet, James will confer with his girlfriend, as soon as I get the o.k., I'll get it online. And we want to thank Henry Telles the owner of the Lahaina Store, and his wife Lisa who was not there for letting us take the Sony Bloggie behind the scenes. Mahalo and we'll get the vid online soon.

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