CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Thursday, May 17, 2012

MAUI- Nailing an Oreo Stack!

I love sweets, man I love it to da max! Can't get nuff of it man, just can't, well, I don't wanna get diabetes, so I guess I'll limit my intake of sweets, or desserts. Forget those low calorie junk, no sir, not for me, I'll limit myself, but let me tell you about this dessert I ate, with a hot cup of Starbucks coffee at Barnes and Noble's cafe the other day. It is called an OREO STACK, it is creamy with chunks of that Oreo chocolate crumbs from the cookie, and it is refrigerated, so the cream holds. For less than 3.00, this sweet dish is the ultimate, I could have bought a whole pan of it, and I was thinking, maybe with some Roselani Ice Cream from Maui, if you come to Maui, it has to be Roselani Ice Cream, forget Baskins, screw that!

So if you ever get a chance to visit one of your local Barnes and Noble Book Sellers, and if they have a cafe, they must have the Oreo Stack in the display case, just have to be there. If not, I know they have some sweets from the Cheese Cake Factory. But the Oreo Stack is a winner, especially when you're just done eating dinner, and want a sweet dessert, this baby hits the spot. And with a hot cup of coffee, it's a great pairing. 

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