CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Thursday, May 10, 2012


Met with my buddies over there in Kahana Gateway, talked to Chef Adam Tabura and Chef Owner Raul Bermudez, they are now rehashing the menu at RB Black Angus, got invited to do some sampling later on when the chefs got it all pau.

Talking to the two chefs, right now business is slow like everywhere else, and possibly soon, before the Summer busy season hits, we are planning to do a cooking video at RB Black Angus, don't know what it'll be but knowing Chef Adam and Chef Raul, it'll be something ono for sure. Chef Adam has his business developing spices his company is called The Spice Rack, and Chef told me that he'll give me a few pointers on his product so I can use it on my cooking show, that sounds like a plan.

I'm focusing on helping promote our local brothers who are fantastic chefs and businessmen, helping them get themselves in to the front of the house so to speak, after all, our local talent is very deep when it comes to cooking, I believe that especially Chef Adam with his Lanai roots, will go very far in his career in the food business, he was talking about making some venison meatloaf, venison chili, it all sounded great, Lanai natives live off the land and the surrounding ocean, most of the Lanai brothers I know are all fishermen and or hunters.

Chef Raul was at the mixer talking story with Adam and myself, Chef is a Steelers fan, come football season, I gotta wear my Rams hat in there.

PHONE: 808-669-8889


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