CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

My Vegan Crepe Broke On Camera

Being a regular guy doing a cooking show for a cable access station, well, I don't have all the money that the Food Network chefs got, to hire on the set helpers, from grips, writers, directors, professional foodies to help coordinate the food being cooked, after all, one can only know so much, after that, it's all trial and error. I don't have the luxury of doing dishes over many times, until I get it right, here's a case in point. Two weeks ago, I did a vegan crepe, made with spelt flour, well, regular crepes have eggs in it, most of the time to bind the batter. Well, since mine was vegan, I forgot to add in some egg-replacer like Ener G's brand.

The show did not air yet, but I can imagine the calls I'll get from vegan chefs, "Hey Ron you're an idiot, your crepe broke because there wasn't anything to bind the batter!" Yeah I can hear it now, okay okay, but hey it's just cable access, anyhow. If I had lots of studio time, and a crew to have a few pairs of eyes to see mistakes, I'll be fine, but since that shoot, it was just me and my co-producer Peter King. But since it was just home style we rocked that crepe anyway, and we hid the broken crepe with bananas and chocolate syrup, all organic from Down to Earth in Kahului, Maui. At least it was all organic.

Okay so if you are on Maui, and you'll for sure see this broken crepe on Akaku TV sooner or later, well just remember, yours truly does not have the financial backing of a big production company, hence we don't have all the paid hands on the set to point out flaws as it is being filmed. Besides, heck we're on Maui, no biggie, we just had fun shooting the show and eating the foods, broken crepes or not, it was good to eat at the least.

All I need is some backing, and I'll be looking better, it's hard to just wing it on your days off, and the studio you use is someone's condo, and you gotta get outta there at a certain time. Would be nice to pay an assistant that will make sure I got everything I need, ingredients, wardrobe, the set, the helping hands, a camera crew that's all professional, and a director, and producer, and this and that etc, etc.

TOP PHOTO: Me overlooking my broken Spelt Crepe; and below is a half eaten Spelt Crepe.

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