CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Friday, June 22, 2012


I've worked for restaurant owners that were shady fuckers, they weren't in business to be the best at anything. The owners didn't give a shit about the place, it was running down hill. Okay, if you are going to be a restaurant owner, and here is more Capitalism 101, you do not want to take the profits or income from the and of the day to go buy your fucking mistress a new pair of fuck me heels, and your partners taking some cash to buy a new flat screen for the kids. The accounting of your business needs to be strict, in other simpler terms, your profits go back into the business, this is how some small businesses became giants. Mc Donald's grew until Ray Kroc took that to another level that we all know it now. In N Out Burgers started tiny, and in decades to follow are very huge and iconic. You do understand that in order to play, you gotta pay. And remember that it takes decades to become huge, well there's some flash in the pans, but there is an old saying that relates to the food industry and it comes from AC/DC that old Hard Rock Band, and there is a song with the lyrics, "It's a long way to the top, if you wanna rock and roll!" Rock artists are hard working, doing the same shit over and over, until they have a following, and then work even harder to gain more, and what's harder my friend? It's maintaining their fan base. Your customers are your fan base, you need to maintain them, and get more. But what's the fucking sense if you are taking profits and income and blowing it out your bloody ass?

Accounting needs to be taken care of seriously, put it this way, I got a buddy who is a salesperson selling food items to restaurants, he tells me, "Ron there's some lame business people here in this town, they have a long line of patrons, but...they don't pay their bills on time, or some are going under, how the hell is that when I see shit loads of people standing in line to eat at their place?" Hmmm, one word, accounting. They aren't seriously business minded, bring Donald Trump in there, he'd get rid of the owner, buy out their secret for that line of peeps out the door and turn that fucker around and believe me if Trump came in with his people and saw this potential? He'd weed out everyone, keep the recipes for the food, and get a strong profit building team of experts in there, and with his business savvy would possibly buy the building that the restaurant is in, and he'd become the head honcho. Get it? Why is Trump Trump and small pee ons just that? Trump knows business, and these ass wipes my friend talks about have no business knowledge or discipline.

1. Pay your bills to your purveyors, maintenance people, landlord, utilities etc.
2. Pay your employees, do it right, deduct all pertinent deductions, medical, social security, IRS, etc. If you aren't doing this, man you got problems mister/misses restaurateur.
3. You are your own thief by taking company money and splurging it on your whore girlfriend, did you know that?
4. Your partners are their own thieves by stealing from your restaurant, as far I'm concerned anyone stealing from a company is a lame sack of shit!


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