CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Friday, August 31, 2012


Have you ever had a black dog for dinner? Is this true that some Asian countries eat black dogs? Hmm, let's try and see if this writer can convince you with a story, a story that I want you to make that decision if it is fact or fiction. 

Back when I was a little lad, of about 10 years of age, I found a black Labrador roaming around the neighborhood, he was rather thirsty, a juvie for sure, not a puppy, he took to me immediately because I had some beef jerky on my person. I took him by the collar, to see if there was a home he belonged to, but to my utter surprise, I did not find any address or phone number, keep in mind this was many years ago, there were no cell phones, or emails, no info for little buddy the black dog.

I walked him home, my father Joe was not much of a pet keeper, in fact he didn't like dogs, or cats, because of the poop they left behind. Nonetheless I took this dog home, when my mother and father saw me, they were not too happy.

"Where you think you going with that dog?" said mom.

"I'm going to take care of him until we can find a home for him."

"Bullshit," said dad.
But I pleaded, like a wrongly convicted murderer to the judge, "Please father, just for a few days until someone takes him, honestly father please."

"Okay, you clean his shit up understand boy?"

"Yes father, I shall."
For over a week, my doggy buddy stayed in the back yard, leashed and fed well, he ate sausage and eggs for breakfast, and for lunch he had salmon with fresh herbs, or tuna salad with toast, for dinners he ate prime rib, ham hocks, and pizzas. Well, a week is what I pleaded for, unfortunately there were no takers for this poor dog.

One day I came home, I saw that the rope was not attached to the dog, I was worried. And then my dad came by and told me, "Son, a friend of mine took your doggy friend."


"Yes, in fact, he's inviting us for dinner."

"Really doggy has a home?"

"Yes, now get your ass in the shower, get cleaned up we are leaving soon for his house for dinner."

"I get to see doggy?"

"Ah... yeah, in fact, never mind get cleaned up."
So I did, I got cleaned up and went to this man's house for dinner, when I got there I asked him where the dog was, he said... "Boy don't worry, he's in a better place."

"Oh in your back yard?"

"Oh don't worry, let's eat first, then, we'll discuss your doggy friend, I want to thank you for the dog, it's just what I was looking for, tender meat, his eyes were bright telling me he was a fresh dog, a good piece of meat."

"Oh yeah anytime, so sir, after we eat I get to see the doggy?"

"Ah, yeah what ever you want boy, eat."
So he went to the stove and brought over a huge pot of soup, he said it was just fresh meat, it had a nice rich broth, the meat was tender, and it was spiced and herbed, he had a side of rice too. I scooped a huge bowl of that meat soup, and ate it all. And then, my mom and dad and that man was laughing at me.

"Why are you laughing at me?"

"Because you stupid kid, you just ate your doggy friend!"


So you be the judge was this fact or fiction?

The answer is: FICTION.

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