CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Saturday, September 1, 2012


Mock Tuna Salad or Vegan Tuna Salad actually is a good replica of real tuna salad, minus any animal proteins, or saturated fats that's bad for you. If you look at this picture, doesn't it resemble real tuna salad? It does doesn't it? 

These are the ingredients for my version of Mock Tuna Salad. Top row L-R; white pepper, mashed garbanzo beans, the can of garbanzo beans, Vegenaise(vegan mayonnaise) Bottom row L-R; 1 lime, minced Maui onions, dill weed, nutritional yeast. On cutting board, a piece of toasted bread roughly chopped.

Here is the stars of the Vegan Mock Tuna Salad, to the left is my favorite Follow Your Heart brand Original Vegenaise, made from vegetables, and it tastes like real mayonnaise, and I love mayonnaise this is zero GMOs, zero cholesterol. To the right is a can (15oz) of Westbrae Organic Garbanzo Beans.

The key to this dish is the toasted bread that's all minced up, that along with the smashed garbanzo beans kind of makes this texture perfect as a make believe tuna salad, and mixed with the Vegenaise, onions, dill weed, nutritional yeast, white pepper it's perfect, and you can improvise and make it how you want it to taste, I kept it simple, no salt added, just the natural flavors, and the Vegenaise does have some salt flavor but not too much, it's very healthy, great for Diabetics, High Blood Pressure patients.

Great as a snack and it rehydrates you as well if you use organic cucumbers, just top the Mock Tuna Salad right on there, or you can make a snack using whole grain crackers, or make a sandwich with it on your favorite breads.


1. Open the can of garbanzo beans, drain the liquid, in a bowl using a fork or masher, or even a food processor, mash it to your liking. I like it kind of grainy. 

2. Add in the dill weed, onions, white pepper, nutritional yeast and mix, then add in the chopped toasted bread and mix well, add in half of the lime's juice and Vegenaise, and mix it well.

3. Serve on bread, crackers, or on slices of vegetables.

If you are a diabetic or have hypertension, transforming your diet from a mostly animal based diet to a more vegetable based diet is essential. For one thing, your bowel movements will be smoother, you'll lose weight, your body naturally will start to heal. But always go and check with your doctor if you have any severe ailments and check with your dietician.

Recently I saw my dietician, and she informed me that the best thing I could do for my constant gout attacks and high blood pressure was to stay away from these foods.

- Processed foods, like sausage, hot dogs, salami, pepperonis, Spam, fast food meals, coffee, any kind of soda or canned juices, candies, ice cream, dairy, fried foods, shell fish.
Just to name a few items. Also bags of chips.

What I should eat.

- Lots of greens, fruits, vegetables, water, flavored water naturally flavored with chopped fruits, or juice from a juicer. If I do eat meat, limit it to around 4 oz, per saving, with a few ounces of starch from organics, and the other half of the plate filled with organic vegetables and fruits.

For this post I hope that you got some ideas on eating right using zero GMOs, and zero animal fats and animal proteins.

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