CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Tuesday, August 14, 2012


Last week I was informed that I have Level 3 Kidney Failure, my lab work concluded my kidneys is not functioning at its optimal level. At age 48, I know I'm not getting younger. So with that, I guess my organs start to slow down, in my case it's somewhat damaged from causes related to hypertension, gout, and who knows if it runs in the family. My father lived with one kidney and lived life to the maximum until the very end. My niece is suffering from severe kidney failure, she does daily dialysis at the house.

So the doctor has me on a strict low sodium diet, as I write this I still need to see a certified dietician to tell me what foods I really should be or not be eating. Foods are either good for you or bad for you. Imagine all those $1.00 Mc Doubles I chowed down because it was cheap, when all I had to do was go to the market and buy an apple. A good organic apple can fill you up, and it is clean food. Who said when you're hungry you need to nail meat? Besides all of that sodium I induced of the years. And the saturated fatty proteins from certain animals and seafoods that caused me gout, and all those years pounding the medication to stop the gout, it all adds up to why my kidneys are at Level 3 Kidney Failure.

So what have I been doing since I found out about my condition? I been reading up on Level 3, and exactly what my doctor said to do is to just watch my weight and sodium intake, to keep my blood pressure low. A good pressure for me is right around the 130/70 or so range. Since it was sky high, I got it as low as 117/77.

Instead of high sodium potato chips and other snacks that's bad for me, I been using organic vegetables and fruits to satisfy my hunger, instead of buying a sack of Lay's chips, I opted for some crispy and fresh organic cucumbers, sliced and soaked in Bragg Apple Cider Vinegar, with garlic and fresh ground black peppers. The tang of vinegar actually feels similar to that of salt without the bad side effects that salt can produce like hypertension.

1 large organic cucumber sliced thin
2 cloves of garlic smashed or minced
1 cup of Bragg Apple Cider Vinegar
Fresh ground black pepper to taste

1. In a bowl (non reactive) add the vinegar, garlic and fresh ground black peppers, and mix well.
2. Pat dry each piece of cucumber, and place it in the bowl, mix it up so the vinegar can penetrate each piece, soak it and refrigerate it. This can last a long time.

* Also just eating 4-5 pieces can fill you up where as a bag of can have you craving more, not good folks.

1 comment:

  1. So sorry to hear of your diagnosis. It sounds like you are doing the right thing by making healthy changes, good for you! Have you heard of Dr. Joel Fuhrmann? I think I spelled his name correctly. I would highly recommend reading his books, follow his blogs. He has helped many people reverse disease with a plant-based, nutritarian diet. Much aloha and good health to you!
