CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Saturday, August 11, 2012


Okay my foodie friends, let the master book reviewer tell ya alls what I just read through at Barnes & Noble down there in Lahaina, and by the by, if you're down there, you better buy something from the cafe, and don't bring any outside food, like noodles from Panda Express, or a Mc Donald's hamburger, or a bucket of KFC. The managers will get in your face! I remember this one time the manager tossed out an elderly lady around 80 years old out into the parking lot because she busted out a DQ hot dog. "Hey old hag! Git outta here!" BOOM! Okay we got the protocol outta the way, now it's time for drum roll please... darrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

My end of summer foodie book pick is VEGAN COOKING FOR CARNIVORES by Roberto Martin. The book is really nice, my last book I picked about a year ago was from Tal Ronnen, and both these chefs had something to do with cooking for celebrities. Martin a meat cooking master got a gig cooking for Ellen Degeneres and her spouse. Great book, I mean it's well put together, great pictures, great little stories. The book has a forward and an afterward by Ellen and her spouse, and there's the typical funny story of the chef, you know, "I wasn't a vegan cook, but I got the gig and I just fried up some eggplant and wow! They loved it." Yeah whatever, same stuff. But the meals are simple that anybody can make, in fact I worked with some young talented vegan chefs before that could actually create better stuff. But... as far as a marketable new book for the foodies, especially if you want to stay away from animal byproducts, this is a great looking book. Would I buy it? Yeah if I had like 25 to 30 bucks. I'd highly recommend this book.

Here are some of the pages that tickled my fancy, whatever that means. 


Now look at that picture, this looks freeking ono, delicious, tasty, orgasmic, totally. Hmm, that picture tells a story, what story? I don't know, when you figure it out, call me up. So this is a page for breakfast that tickles my fancy.

PAGE 39 AVOCADO REUBEN a vegan sandwich, this is all looking Yay Yay if you know what I mean. Now keep in mind, Chef Roberto Martin probably just slapped it together, because for this project, there was an award winning food photographer that did the shoot. You could have made a tuna sandwich the guy would make look terrific.

PAGE 63 BELUGA LENTIL CAVIAR ON BLINI Vegan caviar, nuts guys, looks great and looks tasty too.

So the pictures are really beautiful, the presentations are éclat, the stories are cool, I'd rate this book a good purchase for any vegan out there, or food book collectors. Of course there's only one chef/author I really dig and that's Anthony Bourdain. I mean c'mon, no one can touch Bourdain, no one. But this book is really nice, great simplistic meals that anyone can prepare. Now if you got some kind of ailments, this is a good book, vegan cooking is good for the health. I mean you don't need meat to survive, and when a trained and talented chef can create meals that looks this great without meat, it has to be good. Sorry no spareribs, no briskets, no ham hocks, no gizzards, no pigs' feet, no ox tails, no mahi mahi, no roasted duck, no animals in this book for food. Sorry, so go out and get my end of summer pick, cook me something from the book, and I'll come over and eat it. No, make that cook it, and deliver it to me, thanks.

VEGAN COOKING FOR CARNIVORES Roberto Martin 15.00 to 25.00 dollars, shop online or head to your nearest Barnes & Noble Book Sellers.


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