CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Friday, September 21, 2012


High Blood Pressure and Hypertension patients need not suffer from boring diets, remember portions matter. Gone are your days of eating a 12 oz. slab of prime cut, doused with Kikoman Soy Sauce, and 2 huge ass scoops of white starchy rice, and lots of rich butter on a toasted cut of French roll.


1 4 oz. cut of sirloin... that's right man sorry, that'll do.
Garlic powder
1 tbsp. of safflower oil
1/2 cup of chopped celery
1/2 cup of chopped sweet round onions
1/2 cup of sliced mushrooms
Bragg Apple Cider Vinegar
2 eggs

3 cups of cooked brown rice (use the leftovers for later) You will use only one scoop of it alright, not the whole cooked 3 cups.

1. Heat up a stainless steel pan over medium high heat add oil, season the sirloin with garlic powder, and cook the steak for about 3 minutes per side.

2. Remove the steak, tent with foil to keep warm, return pan to heat, and begin to sauté the celery, onions, and mushrooms until soft, season with sprinkles of Bragg Apple Cider Vinegar.

3. In a nonstick pan, add some safflower oil, and cook the 2 eggs to your liking.

Arrange the plate with the steak, sauteed veggies and cooked eggs, do not use any salt, learn to accept the flavors of all the items without salt. You can add pepper to it.

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