CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Times are hard, people are still losing jobs, losing hours at work, and losing important medical benefits that help sustain their lives. Eating healthy has proven to omit the intake of expensive medications, eating natural and organic vegetables and fruits have proven beneficial by millions of people around the world. However in America it is very expensive to eat healthy, and if you lost your job, you're probably looking for just food in general, instead of an apple that may cost you 3.00 dollars, you may succumb to eating 3 hamburgers from Mc Donald's instead from that Dollar Menu.

"I used to buy organic vegetables from the local health food store, but now without the hours from work that I had, I have to scale back on my healthy eating," said a woman I know who is into health foods. "I used to pick up a sack of food for like 80.00 a pop," now I settle for foods that don't cost a lot, and of course not as healthy, it really makes things hard without cash on hand or credit, I'm used to having my cupboards and fridge filled with organic brands, all natural brands, now it's just not the same."

Eating healthy is important, it should be for all of us, it is frightening to think that major agribusinesses will create GM crops, and use all kinds of chemicals to help crops produce good yields, it has happened in the past where I come from in Lahaina, Maui in Hawaii. Back in the day of the Pioneer Mill sugar plantation, workers claimed the plantation used helicopters and planes to spray a ripening agent called Palado which has the chemical Glyphosate which is used in Roundup. The chemical is sprayed onto sugar cane to help it ripen, of course the plantation heads didn't tell the community about it, they ran the show, they were the big cheese employer of hundreds of locals. Now tell me, if you knew the sugar came from this plantation, would you seriously consume it? Former employees who were smart enough to research this chemical refused to use any product that came from the plantation.

Healthy eating goes beyond buying veggies and fruits, people in the know dig deeper into what really goes into our food supplies, and it seems that chemically laced foods are cheaper to consume than the foods that are grown naturally. "If you have a yard, I'd suggest you remove those pretty flowers and grow some fruits or vegetables," says a friend of mine who grows tomatoes and herbs in his yard. "If a sack of all natural vegetables are expensive then just grow your own."

Times have changed, our economy has sunk considerably offering little hope to millions of people who need to recover from illness like cancer, kidney failure, heart failure, diabetes, hypertension, curing cost money, lots of money, it is a shame that people who need help can't really get it because of the cost, the cost is sending many to an early grave that is just the facts of life, and don't be jaded because someday it could happen to you, if you do have your job with all the benefits give thanks to God that you're okay and able to provide for your families because there's a lot of people I do know that are struggling just to stay alive, forget purchasing a wagon full of good food from the local health food store.

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