CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Go to any town in this country chances are there will be more restaurants that serve unhealthy foods than healthy foods. I know one of the reasons why this is so, healthy foods are more expensive than unhealthy foods, and it is difficult to find a place of business that's affordable, let's face it if you do have a restaurant that is awesome, what's the sense in being in business if your landlord looks at your books and says, "Hey Jenny, I see your sales is soaring every month, we'll need to tack on 20% to your sales, and by the way that space next door that's empty, everyone in this building will chip in to have it maintained, and you by the way just won this month's award for paying for my daughters 600.00 cell phone bill."

Being in business in these times are just tough, a friend of mine is opening up a food counter soon, he had bigger plans in the beginning but altered it when shopping for places to stick in his food biz, from a sit down kind of dig, he detoured into a fast cook to order counter with a few seats and ample parking, the cost will be lower, his menu small, employees minimal, electric bill and water bill lower. He had to look at all the numbers and that was the frustrating part, Pete is a good businessman, has a heart, knows food, but even this little operation scares him just a tad because our economy isn't all that great right now.

But back to the healthy foods, it is difficult to find tasty good foods, just a simple low calorie pizza, or tacos. Everything seems to be jacked up in processed ingredients, sodium this, sodium that, lots of restaurants here on Maui use the same canned sauces that's doctored, while the food establishment claims "everything made fresh" yeah right, and I'm an Irishman from Dublin with a goat in the back of the truck.

If you have high blood pressure, you have to constantly ask waiters, "Can you please tell the chef to not put any salt in my pasta?" Sometimes you'll get a caring waiter, but sometimes it's like asking money from your dad when you were a kid, they give you that stupid sigh and that roll in the eyeballs like "you again?" well that's the way it is. Diabetes? Good luck. Sugar is just jacked up in soft drinks, even drinks considered healthy, some organic sodas have just as much sodas as the Cokes and Pepsis of this world.

That's just the facts of life, I had a friend that was about to open a health food store, but when she found out what was involved as far as cost, she decided to work in a curio shop instead, Maui is not a business friendly place, too me it is lost paradise, and only a haven for the rich people, of course I ain't complaining, that's been the way since the days of Moses. Rich people will afford the finer healthier things in life while the peasants get the crumbs. All I'm saying is some peasants wanna be business people offering healthy foods, but when it's time for them to do their number, the bottom line doesn't look too good. I guess most will continue to go pay check to pay check eating unhealthy foods.

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